Sunday, June 5, 2016

Random Collection of Subjects

Just some random photos from the past couple of days...

Curcuma 'Scarlet Fever' emerged very recently, and I moved it to a sunnier part of the semi-shade garden.  I hope it will grow bigger, faster in its new home.  Last year, it never did get very large.

Curcuma 'Scarlet Fever'

One of the new roses of Sharon (from Mom, late last year) bloomed for the first time in our garden.  Last year, one of them had a very small flower or two, but they were a pale purple, and I think that was the other plant, not this one.  This one, I was excepting to be 'Red Heart' (because that's what it was labeled), which has single flowers that are white with red centers.  However, as you can see, this is a double in a rose-pink.

Rose of Sharon

It's possible I could've mixed up where I put the two shrubs (in which case this would be the one that looked purple last year), but I don't think the flower color of roses of Sharon can change like that.  Most likely it was just mislabeling.  That kind of thing seems to happen pretty often with big box stores.

This flower is actually even prettier than what I was expecting!  I love that rose color, and the double flowers are beautiful.

Rose of Sharon

I'm growing celosia, this year, from three different sources.  One is seed bought on clearance at the end of last season.  The second is seed from a plant in Granny L.'s garden.  The third is from the seed giveaway Nan Ondra hosts-- a variety she calls 'Mega Punk', which is a mix that occurred in her garden when two named cultivars cross-pollinated (if I'm remembering correctly).

I don't know for certain which one this is.  I thought it was 'Mega Punk', but now I'm just not sure... I believe the leaves of 'Mega Punk' are more red/purple, but maybe that's just under specific (sun, temperature) circumstances, or at maturity.  This one definitely has some red tints on the leaf edges and veins.  I'll keep an eye on it and see what it does later in the summer.  The flowers are already a gorgeous wine-magenta, and even if the leaves stay as they are, they're very attractive.


Rose of Sharon.
The single white and purple varieties are blooming freely, now.   Effortless plants (as long as you don't mind pulling the occasional volunteer).

Rose of Sharon

'Blackbird' Euphorbia (spurge).
This is a recent addition to our garden from a clearance rack.  It's already bloomed for the year (spring-bloomer), but the foliage can be attractive year-round.  Worth a try!

'Blackbird' Euphorbia / Spurge

Flower bed...

Flower Garden

'Joseph's Coat' rose.
Currently enjoying another wave of bloom.

'Joseph's Coat' Rose

Bee balm (Monarda didyma).
I planted this last year, and though it hung around until frost, it never managed to flower.  It did, however, survive a dividing, and this year both plants seem ready to bloom.  In fact, one of them opened a few tentative flowers today.

Bee Balm

I don't know how well this particular type of bee balm will do where I've planted it (since apparently it doesn't like to be allowed to dry out), but there's no way to know except to try it.

Bee Balm

White crepe myrtle near shed.

Shed with Crepe Myrtle

Trombone squash vine.

Tromboncino Squash

Confederate jasmine (a.k.a. star jasmine).
Another clearance purchase.  I thought it was done flowering for the year, but several days after bringing it home, I started noticing new flowers.  I think I know where it will go, but its eventual home won't be ready for quite some time, probably, so it may be living in a pot for a while...

Confederate Jasmine

Speaking of things not being ready, yet, what's this I see? ;o)  Why, it's a "garden portal"/arbor in the making!

Garden Portal (WIP)

I was infatuated with the structures in this blog entry, so Donald and I are building a similar one at the west end of the gravel path.  It's still under construction (and in need of a wipe-down and final coat of paint), but I'll be sure to post more photos when it's done.

Garden Portal (WIP)

We already have the plant that's destined to grace this arbor-- not the star jasmine.  More on that when the arbor's finished and the plant's in place.

Garden Portal (WIP)

There's another little project also in the works, but maybe I'll keep that one under wraps until it's done...