Sunday, November 15, 2015

Late Afternoon

I took out the camera for a few photos, late this afternoon.  The light was a little low and many of the pictures turned out a bit blurry, but I'll share a few, anyway.  (Next time, I guess I either need to go out a bit earlier or get out the tripod.  I tend not to like the restriction/extra work of using the tripod, but sometimes it's really necessary for better photos.)

Luna in the back yard:

Luna in the Back Yard

When we were out with the dogs earlier in the afternoon, the blanket flowers and Mexican purple sage were positively abuzz with activity in the form of bumblebees, honeybees, and a small variety of butterflies (buckeyes, skippers, and lots of Gulf fritillaries).  By the time I came out with the camera, the butterflies had packed it in for the day, and the bumbles were settling down for another night on cozy flowers.

Blanket Flower w/ Bees

Blanket Flower w/ Bees

(Unrelated: The pink shrub roses with the clusters of small flowers are blooming again.)

Unknown Pink Shrub Rose

There were still a handful of honeybees on the Mexican purple sage, though.  I have only very rarely seen honeybees in our yard this summer (and I haven't really looked, in previous years).  Plenty of bumblebees, but not many honeybees.  The number I saw today was by far the biggest gathering of them I've noticed in our yard (except for one time, years ago, when a swarm of them temporarily collected on a tree along the back fence).

Mexican Purple Sage

They seemed to really like this plant, and I can't say I blame them.  It has become a favorite of mine, too, this year.  It's a large, sprawling thing that doesn't do much until late summer, but once the blooms start, it earns its keep.

Mexican Purple Sage

Mexican Purple Sage

That rich color (red-violet?) is especially pretty next to the bluer purple of the lavender, I think.  And some of its own foliage has a yellow-green tint that complements the flowers nicely.

Mexican Purple Sage

Yes, it's a keeper (if Old Man Winter allows).

Mexican Purple Sage