Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Blackberry Lily

This summer, I've had the pleasure of seeing my first blackberry lily (Iris domestica) in bloom!

I started out with a few seeds, which came from Nan Ondra in late 2015.  I should've kept better notes, but as it is I'm not sure exactly what happened with those seeds... I think I planted them in the spring of 2016, but they must not have sprouted until this spring... Unless they did, and I just didn't ever put them into the garden last year (which is doubtful).  The seeds do need at least a month of cold stratification.  Most likely, they didn't get enough of that before I planted them, so they weren't "triggered" to sprout until after their winter spent outdoors.

In any case, they did finally sprout.  Before I planted them, a few succumbed to either rot or snails (or both)-- but two of them made it to the new Oval Bed.  One of these bloomed, and there are seed pods, so I hope to be able to harvest seeds and get more started.

Blackberry lily gets its common name from the fact that the seeds resemble blackberries, by the way.  They're also known as "leopard lily", and I think you'll see why, in the photos that follow...

Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily

They're described as short-lived perennials, so I hope I can get enough going from seed to establish a self-sustaining patch of them.  Though the flowers are fairly dainty, they are eye-catching and have an unusual look.  They make a charming addition to the flower bed!