Monday, September 11, 2017

Clematis, Celosia, Crepe Myrtles

(Continuing with the collected photos taken over the course of the summer...)

'Fireflame' Clematis.
It's supposed to be double, but so far, ours has remained single.  The color is rich and beautiful, though, and a single form clematis is elegant in its simplicity.

Clematis 'Fireflame'

Clematis Vine

Clematis 'Fireflame'

Clematis 'Fireflame'

Clematis 'Fireflame'

I didn't do very well, this summer, with setting out my seedlings in a timely manner, but some of them made it-- and then there are the self-sown bonus plants.

I'm a celosia fan!  It's an easy-to-grown sun-lover that adds color and interest all summer long. All sorts of pollinators like it, too.







Dragonfly on Celosia

Crepe myrtles.
This volunteer crepe myrtle (which popped up near 'Victor') is probably my best bloomer, at this point.  It started blooming pretty early in the summer, I think, and it flowered off and on for months-- longer than any of the others we grow.  Impressive!

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle

The Black Diamond varieties have bloomed this year, too, though I failed to get any very good photos.  'Red Hot' is a bright "red-red" (very helpful description, right?) and 'Pure White' is... pure white-- which is even more striking against those dark purple leaves.

Black Diamond Crepe Myrtle

Black Diamond Crepe Myrtle

More to come!