Honeybees came to visit 'Peggy Martin'. I wonder if they're "wild" or if they're tended by someone around here. There used to be a couple of bee hive boxes down at Grandpa's pond, years and years ago, but these days, I'm not sure where the nearest beekeeper's box might be...
It's always nice to see honeybees-- especially since they've been struggling in recent years.
Gardening has made me much more accepting of bees. I still don't like wasps, and carpenter bees are a pest, but learning more about them and recognizing a few different types of flying (stinging) insects by sight has helped mellow me out a bit. I'm not quite as scared of even wasps as I used to be, though I'll still probably shriek and run if a wasp pops up out of nowhere or acts aggressive. (I can't help it! Fight or flight instinct! ;o))
Speaking of carpenter bees... Is that what this is? I think it might be (because of the shiny bottom half, which I think is fuzzy on bumblebees). Oh well... We'll just pretend this was a friendly, non-property-damaging bumblebee on the NOID pink climbing rose. ;o)
'Zephirine Drouhin':
NOID coral rose... which may also have climbing tendencies, based on how tall some of the canes can grow:
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