Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Blanketflower and Salvia

I started both of these plants from seed.  I grew the 'Blue Bedder' sage a few years back.  (I want to start more next year, maybe, because some of the original plants have kind of petered out, as they are wont to do.) 

The blanketflower (gaillardia) is either some I grew from seed or volunteers from the self-sown seed of those plants.  It all started with a cheap packet of blanketflower seeds.  I don't remember any specific information from that packet, but it's probably Gaillardia aristata.  Whatever type I have seems to be perennial-- though likely a short-lived perennial.  It self-sows fairly easily, or seeds can be gathered for planting elsewhere.  Give it full sun and well-drained soil for best results.  Mine tends to topple in heavy rain, unfortunately-- its worst fault. 

The golden blob behind the sage in the third photo is 'Sunshine' ligustrum, another of my favorite plants. 

Salvia and Blanketflower

Salvia and Blanketflower

'Blue Bedder' Sage


