Friday, July 15, 2016

Visitors on a Cloudy Day

The day before yesterday was overcast, with thunderstorms roaming the area.  (Most times I've seen deer this close has been on a cloudy day.  I don't know if it's a coincidence or if the lower light makes them feel safer in venturing further into the open.)

When I looked out the kitchen window, in the middle of the afternoon, I  was surprised to see a deer.  This young male was grazing between the north fence and the line of Leyland cypresses.  (If only he'd warned me he was coming, I could've moved those garbage cans, so they wouldn't have been in the photo!)


Here, we can crop them out... ;o)


Look, he was scratching his face with a back hoof!  Isn't that cute?  (Try not to imagine the possible reasons for his itchiness... Was he scattering fleas and ticks all through the grass as he moved? ~shudder~)


This deer wasn't alone.  Was this his brother?

(Hey, why did you have to stop right in front of that old garbage can near the fire pit?!  *sigh* You're making me look bad.  Note to self: Clear up that random junk from the edge of the woods and keep garbage cans inside garage.  You may live well off the road, but you never know when unexpected guests will drop by...)


There was one more deer in the group-- the mother of these two strapping young lads? ;o)  She was more cautious-- stayed back by the edge of the clearing, near the fire pit, and even seemed to spot me taking pictures from the kitchen door's window, while her offspring nibbled in blissful ignorance.

Here she is with one of the young bucks, after the dogs alerted them to our presence by barking.


You can come back and eat all the grass and weeds and acorns you want; just don't get any ideas about the plants inside the fence!