Thursday, June 22, 2017

After the Storm

After a couple of drenched days under Tropical Storm Cindy's rainbands, the skies started to clear today.  It was like a sauna outside, and there were still intermittent showers, but at least there were significant dry spells throughout the day.

The local animals were appreciative of the improvement in the weather.  I saw birds out looking for food.  Mrs. Bluebird peeps out of her house every so often, and Mr. Woodpecker was back at the feeder early in the morning, but was disappointed, as I hadn't yet refilled it.

They're less attractive than a woodpecker, but there were also vultures drifting around in search of their next meal...


Wild rabbits were munching on the lawn (but then again, they didn't let a little rain keep them from their incessant nibbling, and had been out there every day, rain or shine).  Lizards and skinks were on the hunt-- and there were insects busily buzzing to and fro.

The phrase "busy as a bee" exists for a reason, but today there was a special urgency to their search for nectar.  Making up for lost time, I'm sure.

Here are the (too) many photos I took of the bees and butterflies and such.

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers

Insects on Flowers