Friday, June 9, 2017

More Gladiolus Photos

I think most of the gladiolus have bloomed, now, but there may be a few more to come.  I planted another bunch that has yet to come up, but I may have waited too long for them to bloom well this year...

In the meantime, here's one of the last of 'Atom':


...and 'Vulcano':

'Vulcano' Gladiolus



This is another "standard" hybrid gladiolus that has returned for at least a few years in our garden.  It came in a mix (same as 'Fiesta' and 'Priscilla'), and I'm not sure of the cultivar name-- possibly 'Red Flair'. This type is a very orange-y red-- especially when backlit like this.


Some of the new mix (of hardy gladiolus) bloomed since last time.  I think I missed a photo of one type.  It was either all-red or mostly-red.  Then there's this one, which is a clear red with white streaks on the lower petals and darker red speckles, here and there.


I'm stumped on the ID for this one... Nothing I've found online looks like an exact match.


Whatever it is, it's pretty.
