Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tidbits and Photos

This and that:

I'm positive this is passionflower vine.  The only question is why it decided it needed to put up a vine so far (10+ feet?) from its original location-- and why it refuses to put up new growth at the old spot.  If I transplant this to the old spot (by the trellis), will it be happy or shrivel up and die once and for all?  Frustrating!


The tiger lilies are still growing.  Based on photos from previous years, it won't bloom until late June or early July.

Tiger Lilies

Donald noticed that there are new buds on the viburnum!  So it's going to bloom on the new(er) growth, after all.  Nice!


The third type of clematis Mom gave me is flowering.  Isn't that dark plum center lovely against the blue-purple petals?


This week, I re-potted the last of the daylily seedlings.  They're all huddled around the loropetalum for protection from the sun. 

Daylily Seedlings

Let's enjoy the pretty, cool foliage of the bleeding heart while we can.  "Old Time is still a-flying"-- and this may or may not make a return next spring.

Bleeding Heart, Philadelpus

The daisy gardenia is just beginning to bloom.  Mmm, gardenia!

Speaking of them, the big, "old-fashioned" gardenia down in the Wet & Wild corner of the yard is (I'm pretty sure) suffering from whitefly and resultant problems.  We'll try some sort of remedy soon.

Daisy Gardenia

This fern volunteered in a hanging pot that I kept in the garage over winter.  Last year, the blue lobelia reseeded itself in the pot, but no such luck this time.  What did come up was this fern.  I guess we're keeping it for the time being.  I have no idea what kind it is... Ferns all look about the same to me, unless there's something very unusual in the shape or color.

Wild Volunteer Fern

I've planted something on the passionflower trellis, just in case we can't get passionflower to grow there, this year.  I think it's moonflower, but honestly, it could be morning glory.  Without the "starter leaves", I can't tell them apart, yet.  (Based on the size, though, seems like moonflower.)

Moonflower Leaf (I think)

I need to remember to deadhead the dwarf coreopsis...  (And also maybe trim back some of the "wands" of the gaura, if I can tell when they're spent.)

Perennial Coreopsis

The candytuft looks a little glum to me.  Maybe it didn't like all that rain.  When it finishes blooming, a gentle trim might help.

Candytuft (Iberis)

I keep finding baby freckle-face/polka-dot plants!  I guess they set seed, but I don't even remember them blooming...

Freckle-Face / Polka-Dot Plant

I'll close with some photos of Trixie and Luna playing outside in the water-logged yard.  (It's mostly dried out by now, thank goodness, though there may still be a couple of soggier spots.)  



